We specialize in solving messy problems

We help you find tech and process solutions to your messiest challenges. Our developers are skilled at helping businesses become more efficient and profitable. No problem is too big or too small. We can personalize a plan for you based on what your needs are right now.

Not sure where to begin? Let's talk.
If the challenge is hard for you to explain, it's one we want to help you fix.

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Some of our past and present clients:

Messy Problems, Fixed.

Burton Simmental

PROBLEM: Small seed-stock producer needed a cost-effective way to allow customers equal chance to see their offering and to buy premium animals.

SOLUTION: Web-based tool that allows a few people to manage the promotion and sale of their premium animals. Customers are automatically notified when details are updated including bids placed, media is uploaded, details are added and etc.

Burton Simmental


PROBLEM: Contracts for a large multi-location healthcare group had become extremely difficult to manage. There existed no clear place to track expirations, addenda and etc.

SOLUTION: We created a web-based tool to track contract details. We also incorporated a repository so all paperwork could be accessed by responsible parties in a distributed organization.



PROBLEM: Home Inspection Industry standards for reporting is sub-par and antiquated. Reports are hard to read and difficult to understand.

SOLUTION: We created a web-based reporting tool that organizes the issues found in a house by location in the house or by system or even by severity. Being web-based allowed us to incorporate many more photos and even video into the report. Photos can be enlarged to tell the story better



PROBLEM: Older, complicated technology made it difficult for Hugh to track students' progres, enroll new students, administer exams and make sure students' needs were being met.

SOLUTION: Hugh Reed is a cutting-edge bar prep specialist who has passed over 30 bar exams. The tool we created for him allows him to manage students, enrollment, content and learning management as well as administration and scoring of exams



PROBLEM: A complicated and varying workflow made it difficult for company founders to organize efforts

SOLUTION: Our custom software solution manages all workflow for the asset recovery company. It includes tools to find and contact those who have state-held funds.



PROBLEM: Donation efforts could not be tracked from year to year. Antique software made it difficult for council officials to track progress of giving campaigns. Paper receipts were in use for gathering credit card payments. Data entry was taking so long that checks were no longer valid by the time they go to the bank.

SOLUTION: We created a (once again) web-based donation collecting and tracking tool. It made possible real-time reporting, secure credit card and electronic echck payments, added the ability for donations to be tracked from the units back to the council, but most importantly it created continuity for donors accross giving campaigns.


What our customers say: